Monday 30 January 2012


I am not sure what planet you're on but this one is definitely warming. Anecdotally, from my perch in Canada (and we know our clod up here) it has been incredibly warm even last winter was warm but it snowed a lot.  This winter is non-existent. Rain and a lot of it in late Jan into Feb is just plain freaky.

I checked your link and I suggest to you that you avoid getting your science facts from what looked to me a tabloid type paper where at best they cherry pick paragraphs from real science pieces but mostly with the owners agenda. 

I would stick to science academies. My quick Google showed me that most connections to sun induced warming broke their trends in the late 70's. Here is a link to a site focused on climate that completely debunks your sited article: In a nutshell the oceans have absorbed the bulk of the Co2 induced warming.  Even while global means may not have increased as much as models would suggest the oceans sure as heck did. (They have also continued to acidify, which is another nightmare scenario that has lead to multiple mass extinction events on planet Earth)

Please take the time to read all of it!

Lastly, just think about this:  the vast majority of climate scientists sign up to the threats posed on climate change, not unlike the debate on "do cigarettes cause lung cancer" where the vast majority of doctors claimed it did yet a couple of "paid-experts" showed data to obfuscate the truth.  Do you think smoking causes cancer?

Even more to the point, when the IEA says we have precious few years to reverse CO2 emissions to avoid climate induced catastrophe or when the Insurance industries insurer (Munich Re) says warming is real you should heed their advice unless you enjoy Russian roulette or like the view with your head in the sand?

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